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The list is divided into 11 levels. Level 1 has the greatest frequency and range, level 2 next, etc. The occurrences of the words of the first three levels is about half of the total occurrences of the entire list. Nation (1990 p.19) estimates that the words on this list account for 8% of the words in a typical academic text.
This list was first published in 1984 (Xue and Nation). A new version has been published and is called the Academic Word List (AWL). Go back to my homepage for information and a link to the AWL. I'll be taking the UWL and this page off my site at some point.
The list is posted here separated into levels. In each of the 11 levels the words are alphabetized and separated by a space. Copied as text, it should be pretty easy to deal with.
Nation, I.S.P., 1990, Teaching and Learning Vocabulary, Newbury House, New York
West, 1953, A General Service List of English Words, Longman, London
Xue Guoyi and Nation, I.S.P, 1984, A University Word List, Language Learning and Communication 3, 2:215-229